Estate planning tips

Top 10 Tips From an Estate Planning Attorney in Denton, Texas

Authored by:


Hunter Sargent

Since 2021, Hunter has been dedicated to providing superior estate and business planning services to his community. His real-world experience in family dynamics, business disputes, and estate planning challenges gives Hunter an abundance of experience, wisdom, and skill in planning for legacies of all sizes and circumstances.


Estate planning is a crucial process that involves creating a strategy to manage and distribute your assets after your death or in the event of incapacity. It’s essential to have a knowledgeable and experienced estate planning attorney in Denton, TX, to guide you through this process. In this article, we will reveal the top 10 tips from a leading estate planning law attorney in Denton, TX to help you plan effectively and efficiently to secure your family’s future.

Tip 1: Start the Estate Planning Process Early

It’s never too early to start planning your estate. An experienced estate planning law firm in Denton, TX, will advise you to start the process as soon as possible. Estate planning isn’t just for the elderly or wealthy – it’s for anyone who wants to ensure their assets are distributed according to their wishes and provide security for their loved ones.

Starting early allows you to have ample time to gather all the necessary information and make informed decisions. It also provides an opportunity to review and update your plan as your life circumstances change.

Tip 2: Choose the Right Estate Planning Attorney in Denton, TX

Selecting the right estate planning attorney in Denton, TX, is a vital step in the process. Look for an attorney who specializes in estate planning law and has a proven track record of helping clients achieve their goals.

To find the right estate planning law attorney in Denton, TX, consider the following:

  • Experience: Ensure the attorney has a strong background in estate planning and has handled cases similar to yours.
  • Reputation: Research the attorney’s reputation online, ask for referrals, and read client testimonials.
  • Communication: Choose an attorney who communicates clearly and is responsive to your needs.

Tip 3: Create a Comprehensive Inventory of Your Assets

A comprehensive inventory of your assets is essential for effective estate planning. It helps your estate planning lawyer in Denton, TX, to understand your financial situation and create a tailored plan to distribute your assets according to your wishes.

Your inventory should include:

  • Real estate properties
  • Bank accounts
  • Investments and stocks
  • Retirement accounts
  • Life insurance policies
  • Personal property, such as cars, jewelry, and artwork
  • Business interests

Organize and keep this information up to date, as your estate planning law firm in Denton, TX, will need to review it periodically.

Tip 4: Understand the Importance of a Will and Trust

A will and trust are two essential tools in estate planning. A well-drafted will, created with the help of an estate planning attorney in Denton, TX, ensures your assets are distributed according to your wishes after your death. Without a will, state laws determine how your assets will be distributed, which may not align with your preferences.

Trusts, on the other hand, offer more control over asset distribution and can provide tax benefits. A trust can help you avoid probate, protect your assets from creditors, and manage assets for minors or beneficiaries with special needs. An experienced estate planning law firm in Denton, TX, can help you determine whether a trust is suitable for your situation.

Tip 5: Keep Beneficiary Designations Up to Date

Beneficiary designations play a crucial role in the distribution of certain assets, such as life insurance policies, retirement accounts, and financial investments. These assets pass directly to the named beneficiaries, bypassing the probate process. Your estate planning lawyer in Denton, TX, will emphasize the importance of keeping these designations up to date.

Make sure to review and update your beneficiary designations after significant life events, such as marriage, divorce, birth of a child, or death of a beneficiary. Failing to do so may result in unintended consequences and disputes among your loved ones.

Tip 6: Consider the Use of a Power of Attorney and Advance Healthcare Directive

Estate planning isn’t just about distributing your assets after your death; it also involves making decisions about your well-being should you become incapacitated. A power of attorney and an advance healthcare directive are two essential tools that your estate planning law attorney in Denton, TX, can help you establish.

A power of attorney allows you to designate someone to make financial and legal decisions on your behalf if you are unable to do so. An advance healthcare directive, also known as a living will, outlines your medical treatment preferences and allows you to appoint a healthcare proxy to make medical decisions for you if you cannot make them yourself.

Tip 7: Minimize Estate Taxes and Probate Costs

Estate taxes and probate costs can significantly reduce the value of your estate, leaving less for your beneficiaries. An estate planning law firm in Denton, TX, can help you develop strategies to minimize these expenses and maximize the value of your estate.

Some ways to minimize estate taxes and probate costs include:

  • Establishing a trust: A trust can help you avoid probate and may provide tax benefits, depending on the type of trust you choose.
  • Gifting assets: Gifting assets to your loved ones during your lifetime can reduce your taxable estate, as long as you follow the applicable gift tax laws.
  • Utilizing life insurance: Life insurance proceeds are generally not subject to income tax or estate tax, making them an effective tool for transferring wealth to your beneficiaries.

Tip 8: Plan for the Care of Minor Children

If you have minor children, planning for their care in the event of your death is crucial. Your estate planning attorney in Denton, TX, can help you designate a guardian for your minor children in your will. This ensures that your children will be cared for by someone you trust if you and your spouse pass away or become incapacitated.

In addition to designating a guardian, consider establishing a trust to manage your children’s inheritance. This allows you to control the distribution of assets to your children and ensure that they are used responsibly.

Tip 9: Review and Update Your Estate Plan Regularly

Your estate plan should evolve as your life circumstances change. An estate planning lawyer in Denton, TX, will advise you to review and update your estate plan regularly, especially after significant life events such as marriage, divorce, birth of a child, or changes in tax laws.

A regular review ensures that your estate plan remains aligned with your current wishes and circumstances, maximizing its effectiveness and minimizing potential disputes among your loved ones.

Tip 10: Communicate Your Estate Plan with Your Loved Ones

One of the most crucial yet often overlooked aspects of estate planning is communication. Sharing your estate plan with your loved ones can help prevent misunderstandings, confusion, and potential disputes after your death. Your estate planning law firm in Denton, TX, will encourage you to have open and honest conversations with your family members about your wishes and intentions.

Here are some tips for effectively communicating your estate plan:

  1. Choose the right time and place: Select a comfortable and private setting for discussing your estate plan. Ensure that you have enough time for a thorough conversation, free from distractions.
  2. Be clear and concise: Clearly explain your intentions and the reasons behind your decisions. This will help your loved ones understand your wishes and minimize potential disagreements.
  3. Listen and address concerns: Allow your family members to express their thoughts and concerns. Address their questions and provide reassurance to help them accept and understand your estate plan.
  4. Share relevant documents: Provide copies of essential estate planning documents, such as your will, trust, and healthcare directives, to the appropriate family members or trusted individuals. This ensures that they have access to these documents when needed.
  5. Involve your estate planning attorney: If necessary, involve your estate planning attorney in Denton, TX, in the conversation. They can provide valuable insights, answer questions, and help clarify any misunderstandings.

Summary of Top 10 Tips from an Estate Planning Lawyer in Denton, TX:

  1. Start the Estate Planning Process Early: Begin planning your estate as soon as possible to ensure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes and to provide security for your loved ones.
  2. Choose the Right Estate Planning Attorney in Denton, TX: Select an attorney who specializes in estate planning law and has a proven track record of helping clients achieve their goals.
  3. Create a Comprehensive Inventory of Your Assets: Develop a detailed list of your assets to help your estate planning law firm in Denton, TX, create a tailored plan for distributing your assets according to your wishes.
  4. Understand the Importance of a Will and Trust: Learn about the benefits of having a well-drafted will and trust, which can provide more control over asset distribution, tax benefits, and protection from creditors.
  5. Keep Beneficiary Designations Up to Date: Regularly review and update your beneficiary designations to ensure that your assets are distributed according to your current wishes.
  6. Consider the Use of a Power of Attorney and Advance Healthcare Directive: Establish these essential tools to make decisions about your well-being should you become incapacitated.
  7. Minimize Estate Taxes and Probate Costs: Work with an estate planning law attorney in Denton, TX, to develop strategies that maximize the value of your estate and minimize expenses for your beneficiaries.
  8. Plan for the Care of Minor Children: Designate a guardian for your minor children in your will and consider establishing a trust to manage their inheritance.
  9. Review and Update Your Estate Plan Regularly: Ensure that your estate plan remains aligned with your current wishes and circumstances by reviewing and updating it after significant life events or changes in tax laws.
  10. Communicate Your Estate Plan with Your Loved Ones: Share your estate plan with your family members to prevent misunderstandings, confusion, and potential disputes after your death.

The Role of an Estate Planning Law Firm in Denton, TX:

  1. Expert Guidance: An estate planning lawyer in Denton, TX, provides expert advice and guidance, ensuring that your estate plan is tailored to your specific needs and circumstances. They have in-depth knowledge of estate planning laws and strategies that can help you protect your assets, minimize taxes, and provide security for your loved ones.
  2. Personalized Service: A dedicated estate planning attorney in Denton, TX, takes the time to understand your unique situation, goals, and concerns. They work closely with you to create a personalized estate plan that reflects your wishes and values.
  3. Comprehensive Solutions: An estate planning law firm in Denton, TX, offers a wide range of services, from drafting wills and trusts to handling probate and trust administration. They can help you address all aspects of your estate plan, ensuring that nothing is overlooked and that all legal requirements are met.
  4. Ongoing Support: Your relationship with your estate planning law attorney in Denton, TX, doesn’t end once your plan is in place. They will continue to provide support and guidance as your life circumstances change, helping you keep your plan up-to-date and aligned with your current wishes.
  5. Peace of Mind: Knowing that your estate plan is in the hands of a skilled and experienced estate planning attorney in Denton, TX, provides peace of mind. You can trust that your assets will be protected and distributed according to your wishes, and that your loved ones will be well-cared for after you’re gone.

An estate planning law firm in Denton, TX, plays a vital role in guiding you through the estate planning process and helping you achieve your goals. By following the top 10 tips from our estate planning attorney and partnering with a dedicated and knowledgeable legal team, you can create a comprehensive and effective estate plan that secures your family’s future. 

Reach out to Hunter Sargent, PLLC, today to start the journey towards safeguarding your legacy and providing for your loved ones.