Estate planning for married couples

Estate Planning For Married Couples: A Joint Approach

Authored by:


Hunter Sargent

Since 2021, Hunter has been dedicated to providing superior estate and business planning services to his community. His real-world experience in family dynamics, business disputes, and estate planning challenges gives Hunter an abundance of experience, wisdom, and skill in planning for legacies of all sizes and circumstances.


Preparing for the distribution of assets and properties after death is a key aspect of a couple’s financial plan, which is a cornerstone of estate planning.  Despite its importance, estate planning can be a complex and emotionally charged process, leaving many unsure where to start.  For this reason, it’s critical that married couples work together in estate planning, ensuring that both parties’ interests are adequately represented. 

Regardless of age or financial status, every couple should undertake estate planning, which can prevent family misunderstandings and conflicts, reduce estate taxes, and guarantee the fulfillment of wishes in the event of incapacity or death. 

It’s essential that the estate plan mirrors the common objectives and principles of the married couple.  Active participation and cooperation from both partners is necessary to make well-informed decisions regarding assets and properties.  Approaching estate planning together can guarantee that both individuals’ requirements and interests are accounted for, culminating in a thorough and efficient final plan. 

Considering the estate planning process for married couples, creating a will or trust is a significant measure to contemplate.  This essential document outlines how assets and properties should be distributed after death and can ensure that loved ones are taken care of. 

Creating a Will or Trust: Which Option is Right for You?

Determining whether to create a will or a trust is a crucial step in estate planning.  Although both documents serve a similar purpose, there are significant differences between them that can affect estate planning objectives. 

A will is a legal document that outlines the distribution of assets and properties after death.  It’s a relatively straightforward document that enables beneficiaries to be named and stipulates how assets should be distributed.  An executor is also named, responsible for overseeing the estate and ensuring that wishes are followed. 

In contrast, a trust is a more intricate legal document that allows asset and property ownership to be transferred to a trust.  This gives a trustee the responsibility of distributing assets according to wishes.  Trusts may be revocable or irrevocable, meaning changes can be made to a revocable trust, whereas an irrevocable trust cannot be changed. 

A trust offers a notable benefit of avoiding the probate process, which can be both costly and time-consuming.  Upon death, the assets transfer to the trust, enabling the trustee to distribute them to beneficiaries without any court involvement.  Additionally, trusts can help minimize estate taxes and provide greater privacy than wills, which are public records. 

Nonetheless, trusts tend to be more expensive to create than wills, and they require ongoing management.  Additionally, some assets, such as retirement accounts, cannot be transferred to a trust, and you may need to create a pour-over will to ensure that any assets not transferred to the trust are distributed according to your wishes.

Deciding whether to create a will or a trust is a personal decision that depends on your unique circumstances and goals.  Factors to consider include the size and complexity of your estate, your family situation, and your financial goals.  An experienced estate planning attorney can help you evaluate your options and determine which option is right for you.

Designating Beneficiaries: Understanding Your Options

When it comes to estate planning, designating beneficiaries is a critical step that can have significant implications for the distribution of your assets and properties.  Beneficiary designations are an essential aspect of estate planning for married couples, and they can help ensure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes.

A beneficiary is a person or entity that you name to receive your assets or properties after your death.  There are several types of beneficiaries, including primary beneficiaries, contingent beneficiaries, and charitable beneficiaries.

Primary beneficiaries are the individuals or entities that you name as your first choice to receive your assets.  If your primary beneficiary predeceases you, the assets will pass to your contingent beneficiary.

Contingent beneficiaries are the individuals or entities that you name as your second choice to receive your assets if your primary beneficiary predeceases you.  If you do not name a contingent beneficiary, your assets will be distributed according to your estate plan or the laws of your state.

Charitable beneficiaries are nonprofit organizations that you can name as beneficiaries of your estate.  By designating a charitable beneficiary, you can leave a lasting legacy and support causes that are important to you.

When it comes to designating beneficiaries, there are several factors that you should consider.  For example, you should think about your family situation, your financial goals, and your tax implications.  Additionally, you should review your beneficiary designations regularly to ensure that they reflect your current wishes and circumstances.

One common mistake that married couples make is failing to update their beneficiary designations after major life events, such as marriage, divorce, or the birth of a child.  Failing to update your beneficiary designations can result in unintended consequences and may cause your assets to be distributed in a manner that does not align with your wishes.

To ensure that your beneficiary designations are up to date and reflect your current wishes, you should review them regularly and consult with an estate planning attorney.  An experienced attorney can help you evaluate your options and ensure that your estate plan is comprehensive and effective.

Selecting an Executor or Trustee: What You Need to Know

Choosing an executor or trustee is a crucial step in creating an estate plan, and it can significantly impact the distribution of assets and properties.  This person is responsible for managing your estate after death and ensuring that your wishes are followed. 

An executor is named in a will and is responsible for paying debts and taxes, locating assets, and distributing them to beneficiaries during the probate process.  A trustee, on the other hand, manages assets transferred to a trust, including investing and distributing them to beneficiaries while upholding your wishes. 

When choosing an executor or trustee, factors such as trustworthiness, responsibility, and capability in managing your estate or trust must be considered.  Naming each other as the primary choice is common for married couples, although it’s wise to name alternate executors or trustees if the primary choice can’t serve. 

It’s also crucial to avoid potential conflicts of interest that could arise if the named executor or trustee stands to benefit from the estate or trust.  Consulting with an estate planning attorney can ensure that the choice of executor or trustee aligns with your goals and wishes, resulting in a comprehensive and effective estate plan.

Reviewing and Updating Your Estate Plan: What You Need to Know

Crafting an estate plan is a crucial measure towards securing your financial future.  However, it’s not a one-time activity since circumstances and priorities may shift over time, necessitating updates to your estate plan to align with these changes. 

There are numerous reasons why reviewing and updating your estate plan regularly is critical.  For instance, changes in your family situation like the addition or loss of a family member may necessitate amendments to your estate plan.  Additionally, alterations in your financial situation or objectives may necessitate revising your estate plan to reflect these changes. 

To maintain an up-to-date and effective estate plan, it’s advisable to review and make necessary updates regularly.  Experts suggest reviewing your estate plan every three to five years or whenever a significant life event takes place. 

When reviewing your estate plan, various factors need consideration.  For instance, it’s necessary to review your will or trust to ensure that your executor or trustee selections and beneficiary designations are still appropriate.  Additionally, you should assess your power of attorney documents to ensure that they reflect your current preferences and desires. 

Tax implications are another critical factor to contemplate when reviewing your estate plan.  Tax laws are constantly changing, necessitating designing an estate plan that minimizes tax liabilities as much as possible. 

Finally, it’s crucial to review your estate plan to ascertain that it aligns with your current values and goals.  As your priorities shift with age, ensuring that your estate plan aligns with your current wishes and preferences is necessary. 

Working with a skilled estate planning attorney is vital to guaranteeing that your estate plan remains comprehensive and effective.  An attorney can assist you in evaluating your options, updating your estate plan, and ensuring that your desires are carried out after your demise.

A Joint Approach to Estate Planning for Married Couples

Estate planning plays a crucial role in a couple’s financial plan, and a joint approach can ensure both parties’ interests are represented.  Collaborating to create a comprehensive estate plan can prevent conflicts within the family, minimize estate taxes, and guarantee wishes are carried out in case of incapacity or death. 

When undertaking estate planning as a married couple, it’s essential to consider key steps such as creating a will or trust, designating beneficiaries, and selecting an executor or trustee.  Regular review and update of the estate plan are necessary to reflect changes in circumstances or preferences. 

Consulting an experienced estate planning attorney can help ensure a comprehensive and effective estate plan.  They can help evaluate options, make necessary updates, and guarantee wishes are carried out.  Estate planning goes beyond property distribution, reflecting values, goals, and priorities to secure the couple’s financial future. 

By approaching estate planning as a team, married couples can ensure their loved ones are taken care of after death.  If interested in learning more about estate planning for couples, resources such as books, online guides, and consultations with experienced attorneys are available.

Call Hunter Sargent, PLLC today to find out how you can protect your legacy with a Denton, Texas estate planning attorney.